The production of cannabis oil and cannabis powder to crush tablets or make capsules.

Cannabis and Hemp (CBD shop) are gaining much attention. Because Thailand has a policy to grow Hemp, and Hemp is an economical plant, but in the beginning, the cultivation of marijuana is not generally allowed in the private sector. It is limited to hospitals, universities and community enterprises. Because it contains THC, which has a higher intoxicating effect than Hemp, but for Hemp, the government will allow private individuals to grow it. Therefore, there are many people interested in planting to bring benefits.

The benefits of Cannabis and Hemp are very diverse. In this regard, we can talk about its healing properties as one of the well-being chemicals. Legally usable CBD is the primary active substance extracted to make a drug, and THC is classified as a narcotic, which the law requires to extract as much as possible.

CBD extraction process

  1. must bring marijuana or marijuana to extract oil
  2. Isolate as much as possible of undesirables such as paints, heavy metals, pesticides, and other oils and isolate to obtain the highest concentration of CBD (Davisil).
  3. Please put it in medicine, which makes it in the form of powder. It will be easier to use and can be made into capsules or tablets (Syloid XDP)

Basic knowledge of Cannabis

Marijuana (Cannabis or marijuana plant)

Marijuana has an English name often referred to as Cannabis; Marijuana’s scientific name is Cannabis sativa forma indica. Marijuana stems are short and bushy, usually at most 2 meters tall. The marijuana plant has quite a lot of branches compared to Hemp. Cannabis has thick, broad leaves. They are arranged close together, have about 5-7 lobes and are dark green. The stems are short segments or joints, and the bark is difficult to peel, giving long fibres. But the quality could be better than Hemp. As for hemp seeds, they are smaller than Hemp. The skin looks shiny.

Hemp refers to what comes from the hemp plant. Both the parts of the plant and the natural substances in the cannabis plant. Marijuana is a category five narcotic (according to the Narcotics Act of 1979), but cannabis plants can be grown for practical medical use.


Hemp is a plant with the English name Hemp (CBD shop); the scientific name is Cannabis sativa L.subsp. Sativa, in the family Cannabaceae, is the same family as marijuana. But a subspecies of Hemp has a tall, slender trunk, more than 2 meters, with few branches. Hemp leaves are prominent. Sorted farther than the marijuana leaves, Hemp leaves are single leaves, light green, and look like a palm. The leaves are lobes, about 7-11 lobes per leaf, and the edge of the leaf is like a saw blade. The tip of the leaf is slender. Joint or joint Sticky peel, easy to peel. It provides high-quality long fibres. Hemp seeds are large. Oval shape. Its smooth skin has brown stripes. Inside the seeds, there are a lot of starchy and fatty nutrients.

The highlight of Hemp is not THC, but CBD (CBD shop), mainly extracted for medical benefits such as pain relief. or help against the symptoms of epilepsy to solve insomnia but not drunk And does not cause addiction like THC, which in Hemp has a higher ratio of CBD to THC than marijuana, with about 2% or more of CBD found in Hemp. In contrast, in marijuana, there is very little of this substance, less than 2 %. This is because Hemp has few substances drunk. Therefore has a less stimulating effect. Therefore, Hemp is used in other ways than as a drug as marijuana. As a result, many countries allow the cultivation of hemp plants legally. But must control that the plants grown have a narcotic substance (THC) higher than the specified amount.

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